Tips For Better Nature Photography

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      You might call this section my "advice" column, although not all this advice necessarily comes directly from me. Some of it comes from other wildlife photographers who have been at it longer than I, and consequently have more experience. The rest comes from my own experiences, expressed in my own words. Either way, the advice given reflects things I have learned and subscribe to in my own photography.

Please note that because I link to other websites for some of this information, you may come across broken links when the sites move things around. Though I will try to keep track of these changes, something is sure to eventually slip my attention.

      Monopod Technique - I bought my first monopod specifically to facilitate "hand-holding" of my 500mm lens on those occasions when dragging along a tripod would not be so handy. My logic was that the monopod would take the weight, and I could otherwise wield the lens pretty much like hand-holding any other lens. I thought it would be a simple thing to handle, but I quickly learned it was far more difficult to keep steady than I expected. Then I found some tips in these two articles.
      Good Camouflage
  •    How to hold a monopod - article 1
  •    How to hold a monopod - article 2

  •       After trying the various stances given in these articles, I found which position worked best for me.
  •    Using a monopod with a long lens

  •      Good Camouflage in Bird Photography - Each discipline of photography has it's own needs. Landscape, underwater, macro, panoramic, architectural, etc., all use special lenses and equipment you may never need for anything else. For bird and wildlife photography the art of camouflage certainly has its place. Any serious wildlife photographers are eventually going to use some sort of camouflage, even if it's just a commercial blind. Here are my thoughts on the hows and whys of camo in my full-page article on....
  •    Choosing and using good camouflage

  •      The Field Craft Of Getting Closer To Your Subjects - Though aimed squarely at bird photography, this article provides good field craft tips that will help for any animal subject. Whether shooting from your vehicle, on foot, or from a small boat, these tips will get you better, closer photos.
  •    Tips On Getting Closer To Your Subjects (Field Craft)

  •      The Eyes Have It - The importance of sharply focused, detailed eyes in your subjects is sometimes overlooked, even by experienced wildlife photographers. Knowing how to avoid issues, and how to fix them when they happen will go a long way toward improving your photos.
  •    The Eyes Have It - That All-important "Spark" In Wildlife Photography

  •      Back-button Autofocus - The best of all worlds in focusing - If you're doing wildlife photography and not using back-button autofocus, then you're doing it the hard way. I'm betting that if you try it, you'll never go back to shutter button focus again.
  •    Back-button Autofocus - The Tip Worth Its Weight In Gold

  •      Wildlife Photography - What's Your Shooting Style? When you come across other wildlife photographers in the field, do you ever take time to watch how they work, or pay attention to how they're dressed, or take stock of what sort of equipment they are and aren't using? If you do, then you may be able to tell something of their personal shooting style, and your own style, once you've read....
  •    Wildlife Photography - What's Your Shooting Style?

  • Other Links:
         An extensive list of topics pertaining to digital bird photography is covered in this informative resource by Bill Majoros -
  •    Secrets of Digital Bird Photography

  •      This is an interesting web site that discusses how camo patterns are supposed to work, and shows many commercial camo patterns to ponder over -

  •      This site has several articles on Ghillie suit "how-to's" that can be helpful, beginning with -
  •    "How to Make a Ghillie Suit"